Monday, November 22, 2010

Time for a frustration... Do they really think we have that kind of money?

Ok so at school (Fanshawe) they lease us laptops for the semester which is awesome. But with this comes some down sides. One is you cant opt out; It doesn't matter if you have your own or if you would prefer to get one to keep after your done it doesn't matter. This is a requirement. So they make you have it... I can deal with that. I can just get one for me after my years in the program are done.

At the beginning of the year they said that students would be able to keep there laptops over the Christmas holidays for a small fee. Makes sense i guess but now that it has come to that time i get an email saying that there is no additional fee. Awesome right? Not at all. I don't know if they think all of us starving students are independently wealthy but they expect us to pay our full second semesters tuition. I know some people have the luxury of having a wealthy family but i don't have the ability to go up to uncle Bert or whoever and say hey can i have $3000 because osap will not come in until next month. Its just not going to happen!

So i know they want to make sure that your not going to run off with the laptop because the fact that they have your next osap instalment coming to them or the fact that they have all your tax and licence information is not enough insurance for them. (you know case we are all going to flee the country for a $2000 lap top). So why cant they just make an exception for people on OSAP?

Come on guys give us a break or at least be up front at the beginning.

Someone that is not going to have a computer over christmas

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